Wonder Woman: Review

"It's not about what they deserve, it's about what you believe.”

It’s definitely no secret that I’m a big fan of the WB/DC cinematic universe so far with "Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman" being some of my favorite superhero films of the past decade (admittedly, "Suicide Squad" was a nasty misfire). One of the best things in BvS was the introduction to Gal Gadot’s stunning no-bullshit take on Wonder Woman and from the instant she appeared and completely showed-up the two titular characters in the glorious climax of that film, I couldn’t wait for what I hoped would be an amazing solo venture. Tonight, I finally got to see such a film but it isn’t just a special day because of this, it is a special day because today is my mom’s birthday and I brought her to the screening with me tonight to celebrate because her being a lifelong fan of the character basically means she’s earned seeing this movie early way more than I have. It brings great pleasure to say that we both absolutely fell in LOVE with "Wonder Woman" and I think everyone else will as well.

Wonder Woman feels like the first big tentpole blockbuster in a very long while that I can say is simply for everyone. It’s certainly lighter in tone than the previous DCEU films but the best and most important thing that this film has going for it is it’s immaculate and irresistible sense of empowerment and (no pun intended) wonderment. The message the film carries is also eternally relevant though it may be a tad ham-fisted.

This film isn't concerned with strongly connecting itself to the other branches of the DCEU, Patty Jenkins and co. do an absolutely brilliant job of giving Wonder Woman her own rousing adventure with a lovable rag-tag group of soldiers. Gal Gadot is absolutely amazing in her first solo take on the character, she oozes a natural charm and charisma and the chemistry she shares with her cast members is abundantly present and lively in the best way possible. Also, if Chris Pine wasn't already the best Hollywood Chris, he sure as shit is now. It was nice to see a film such as this take the approach of giving WW a legitimate character study set against such an epic and explosive backdrop. War and battle are treated in a powerfully humanistic way.

The thing that the DCEU has been best at for every film is capturing the appropriately awe-inspiring scope that such films need and WW is no exception. Every set piece is thrilling and bombastic in their own unique way (especially the village siege) and Rupert Gregson-Williams score will raise the hair on your arms and make your spine tingle.

Wonder Woman is the film everyone has been wanting it to be. Big pacing issues and a childish beginning tone aside, there's almost too much to love, admire, and appreciate. It's fun, epic, meaningful, optimistic, beautiful, and completely enthralling. I find it hard to believe that there will be many people that hate this film. It's so refreshing to see a blockbuster take on such a relevant and inclusive mindset and have a much more complex look humanities battle(8.5/10)
of good and evil. I commend Patty Jenkins to no end for her work here. Empathy and optimism are used to battle tyrants of war and destruction and it feels so utterly stunning and refreshing to experience such a film in today's day and age. I hope this is the first of many female-lead superhero films we will see in this new era and we desperately need Patty behind the camera more often because she knows what she's doing more than most. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!


  1. I'm not a big fan of women as lead actors, but great production quality.


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