Rough Night: Review

Rough Night is neither as bad as a lot of people are saying it looks nor is it as good as I had hoped it would be as a big fan of "Broad City" (the creators of which were behind this movie) but the brand of humor that the show boosts is very present there but it isn't top tier stuff. My biggest positive is the cast, I'm a big fan of everyone here and I thought they all worked very well off of one another and made the movie more entertaining and likable throughout. Overall, this movie is nothing special and to be honest, I probably won't remember too much of it by the end of the summer but it's a pretty fun, raunchy, and easy way to spend 100 minutes at a theater at matinee price. Some will most definitely not take to this movie but for what it's trying to be in its simplest form, it succeeds just enough to warrant a recommendation. It's pretty hit and miss but I can safely say I enjoyed my time watching it. (6.75/10)


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